Thursday, May 9, 2013

Roses and black gunk

The first rose is always the Iceberg. The flowers above the door open ahead of the others, still in bud. I think that is because of warmer air leaving the apartment...

The main flush will happen in a week or so.

I'd like to zip across to our neighbours' roof to take a picture of the rosy terrace, but our roof has huge black war stripes across it after some bad leaks were given some rough first aid justice by a roof man. Ugly in a rose picture.

But gritty? I had not considered the appeal of grit.

With summer coming, I need to get to a hardware store, fast, to buy some silver paint to paint the roof membrane and the black gunk.  Black absorbs heat and the temperature in our cocoon will sky rocket. All the other roofs are silver... I'd asked our landlord if he would foot the bill, but he demurred.

There's always Photoshop, of course, to prettify the photo, but that won't cool the apartment.

But at least we have been dry. The gunk did its job.

Gunk reminds me of blackspot. Which has already begun.

I'd better add Neem oil to my list.


  1. These are gorgeous. I just returned from an area in Morocco known for its roses. I bet these smell every bit as good as the pink beauties I saw there.

  2. For black spot spray with a 50% water and 50% (2%) milk mixture. It as proven more effective than anything else (U of MN study).


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