Friday, November 2, 2012

Battery Park

I don't know what to write. Or post. I have lots of pictures of delicious food. The lovely storm food we enjoyed in our lovely storm. Cosy in our lovely, tiny, dry apartment. With drinks. Wine. On our lovely hill.

But I can't post those.

I am glad the marathon has been canceled. That was just too much.


  1. It is impossible to understand why one is spared and another must suffer so much. But I am grateful you were safe and dry during the worst moments of the storm. Your pictures have been important for those of us not in New York. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. Your words are always perfect. They always paint the picture good and bad.

  3. When looking for an apartment, I prefer to be near the top of a hill,if not on top, finished basement, more than one egress point, no flood plains or nuclear plants within 50 miles. My daughter used to roll her eyes at me, not any more. Sometimes the most important thing that the (nearly) unscathed can do is bear witness. We Americans are good at forgetting unpleasantness. To forget is to repeat.

  4. Don't fall victim to survivor's guilt--the weather has no preference for whom it chooses to destroy. Through your lens and words the disaster is that much more tangible to me.

  5. you are a good strong honest voice, and this picture reminds me of what goes through my head now: life: from the ridiculous to the sublime, bittersweet, exquisite torture, growing pains. I wonder if the insurance companies will say no, let's not build on the shore again? The pollution. Where's Estorbo? I need to get a cat to skaweez, or one with a saucy story voice like old 'Storby. i actually rescued a cat and have visiting rights. I must go visit her. She and 'Storby both live in 'one cat pads:' they are their own persons. I am one of three people I know who recite the latin names of plants to calm down. Tiarella Cordifolia. fothergilla gardenii. hamamelis virginiana. See, we need you. sassafras albidum. cercis canadensis. Amen.Trust yourself.

  6. I'm glad the marathon is canceled too.

  7. I do feel for you. I too live on a hill - have had a flooded ground floor in a previous house so am grateful even though I moan about carrying my shopping home. I used to be in a search and rescue team and have evacuated people from homes up to their bedroom windows in flood water. Post what you feel. Don't worry if its some lovely supper - your pictures and words are a delight and an insight, always x

  8. That's a most amazing shot, did not even see it on my run!


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