Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Karen's Party

...had everything: Beautiful tables under the trees.

                                                      The biggest hydrangeas in Constantia.

The greenest soup.

The most interesting people...

Freshly slaughtered guinea pigs. OK fine: they're alive.  The freshest blackberries, then; from the garden.

Boules-playing Brooklyn Hipsters.

Yo-yo swinging artists.

And the dustiest, most delicious bottle of Jenever (dankie, Fanie).

And thank you, Karen!


  1. What fun! Good wine, good food, good friends. Can there ever be anything better?

  2. I've already poured my envy all over Karen's blog so I can only ooh and aah at your pictures and marvel at what a welcoming group you South Afrikaans seem to be.

    Applying for dual citizenship immediately

    xo J

  3. I want to eat guinea pigs and play boules!

  4. Marie, you had me hysterical with the guinea pig comment- with a diet of lavender and watermelon, just imagine!!

    We were so happy to have your company- the people make the party and your beautiful flowers made the table! xx

    PS- Jane and Ellen hurry over- summer has just begun!


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