Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cape Dwarf Chameleon

This one's for you, Vince. Or perhaps from you?

My mother rushed in from the garden, where she'd been picking flowers for tomorrow's lunch table: Chameleon! Chameleon!

And we all rushed back out to look. There s/he was, a vertical party,  pressed against a dahlia stalk. 

I am afraid we caused some nervousness, as the chameleon took off, slinging its rainbowed self between stalks. 

A good omen, we have decided, at the beginning of this new year.


  1. Fantastic! I am speechless. After four years of believing faithfully and against popular opinion, after hours and hours of searching through the lush garden and trying to understand why I could find dozens of them 500 meters away but not here, they are finally revealed. And they waited for me not to be there! Nature has an ironic way of making herself appreciated.

    Kudos to your mom! I owe one! :-)

  2. Oh my god, that chameleon is so beautiful! And your picture captures his beauty so well. I assume that your new lens from Vince was employed?

  3. He's gorgeous! and your picture ... astounding! good work, Marie.

  4. What gorgeous markings, and great capture on the stalk-stretching.

  5. What an exotic creature. It is hard to believe it is real! You must be thrilled to get these shots, especially the one of it nonchalantly slung between the stems. Brilliant.

  6. Cute! A lovely New Year

  7. fantastic! and you caught it wonderfully!

  8. Great shot! And the chameleon is gorgeous.

  9. I'm so envious- I not seen one chameleon in 25 years here in our little corner of Constantia.
    In Wynberg our guava tree was overflowing with them, spent hours of my childhood watching them.
    PS- Fabulous pic!

  10. I can almost see him moving in the second photo.
    Super animated, I think it's the eyes.

  11. Stunning...thanks for sharing :)

  12. A very good omen and start to the new year, I'd agree. Have a happy one.

  13. Fabulous photo of a beautiful little creature. That lens is working well for you.


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