Thursday, July 29, 2010


The Cooks, by Sophie Blackall

Departing in my morning from menus and months and seasons (The Project I am working on) I frittered away almost an hour looking at blogs written by Sophie Blackall, thanks to the Sourcerer in Cape Town, who links to one of her blogs.

I wonder if anyone doesn't know her, but until that hour ago, I was one of the unknowers.

She is an illustrator living in Brooklyn, and I am hooked. It is rare for me to find drawings I respond to viscerally, as I am so historically attached to the ones that saw me through childhood, but she taps into that vein of nine year old happiness, as well as supplying plenty of fodder for the big, curious, sceptical me.

Dark Skinned Well Spoken Lady, by Sophie Blackall.

So if you don't know her, have a look at her Missed Connections NY blog, where she illustrates real Missed Connections personal ads that appeal to her, look at her own site, Sophie Blackall
and read the interview Seven Impossible Things before Breakfast for a glimpse inside her studio and process.

She also loves Moby Dick, needs strong coffee and hates the word veggies. Naturally I feel there is an instant connection.

If that black cat of mine ever writes a book, this lady would be his dream illustrator. I think she would see right inside his black cat heart.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I had seen this blog before and have been trying to remember the name so I could find it and thanks to you, here it is.

  2. Are you elbow deep in the project we talked about some months back in 'Inotecca? If so: yay! Best wishes as you plough through!

    Also, thanks for the tip. Gorgeous illustrations.

    :) xx

  3. oh man..i LOVE so glad you found her righyt up yours (and estorbo's alley..)

  4. Yes, I've seen some of her pieces;didn't know all these sites though.Thankyou.
    A small point of grammar, Marie: "when" not "if" Estorbo writes a book,surely?

    Blogger is still being awkward so anon is Idle Thoughts!

  5. Yes, indeed, she is delightful. I bought one of her prints to cheer me through the long winter. Glad to have found your site as well, since I'm a fellow urban gardener with a penchant for cats and an aversion to words like veggie. Thanks for all the lovely postings.

  6. Hmmmm, a project.... says Nancy Drew, what can it be?

  7. Marie - also check out Sophie Blackall's apartment on Design Sponge. This is where I found her the first time and thought: ah, this lady is just my cup of tea.


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