Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cobble Hill power

Still low on power here in Cobble Hill, so no AC at all, at this point. Fan is whirring.

Hibino, the Japanese joint on Pacific and Henry, is open, but hot. No AC, either, and all the staff is parking on the sidewalk looking for a breeze, with a notice on the door saying, We are open, but...
I hope their fridges are working.

The roof farm was fried. I watered. I lost some embryonic watermelons and the tomatoes dried up some leaves.

The freezer is working and there is a bottle of prosecco in it. I am making ajo blanco for supper.

The sliding door is open, it's not bad outside.

Tomorrow I pound the pavements of Brooklyn looking at and helping score semi-finalists for the Greenest Block in Brooklyn Competition, for the Brooklyn Botanical Garden's Greenbridge Program.

I had a lot of fun last time, and it was an eye opener.

Hopefully I will come back with many pictures.


  1. if stupid Raccoon House remains unreasonable re: watering, maybe you could find some large flat trays, preferably white. that could cut down the oven effect & provide more humidity when it is hot & dry.

  2. whoa, how did I miss this? I am in Cobble Hill too. I didn't sense any power disruption. We must past each on the street and not even know it. Howdy neighbor!


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