Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Central Park

Ek is moeg.

...means, I am tired. Long day. Flower District, then cab to Fifth Ave with boxes of hundreds of dollars of flowers in tow, making arrangements (fun but always fraught with performance anxiety - and huge respect for fulltime floral designers), back home, subway not working, so walking from Broadway Lafayette over the Brooklyn Bridge, quick bite of delicious pate and baguette, and slurp of prosecco before heading out to Molly's book launch party. Drinks, friends, strangers in impossibly expensive, high-heeled, red-soled shoes, home through the the cold, cobble stoned streets of SoHo, more subway (working this time). Brooklyn.

I had an hour to kill before my flower arranging this morning, and so took myself for a walk through The Ramble. Central Park in spring is gorgeous. Verdant, singing green.

Above, shooting star, below bluebells.

And violets.

I want to go back, early, with a flask of good coffee. Rusks would be nice.

I must make rusks.


  1. Oh how I love the ramble and your shot of the azalea across the water is terrific! I didn't know you also arrange many talents.

  2. I love visiting the ramble, though when I walk through I feel a bit like I'm back at home instead of in NY ; ) Every time you mention rusks I swear I'm going to try making them too...maybe this time...

  3. Wish my garden looked like this.. so peaceful. Beautiful pictures. You are a many splendored critter, aren't you.

  4. Dear Marie, I am wondering if you can tell me what type of fig tree you have? I am inspired to buy one since reading about yours! I did try searching through your blog but couldn't find the name. Thanks in advance.

  5. Prosecco for lunch. Life is good and so are your photos!

    No, photo of your arrangement?

  6. Beautiful as always! I hope you enjoy you foray into floral design ... I used to do that in a past life and thoroughly loved it. I worked mostly in dried and silks, though.


  7. Ellen - thank was deep and dark and mysterious in the woods. No lurkers yet. Too early?

    m.heart - yes, you have a permanent ramble, lucky you. Rusks. Maybe we should all appoint a rusk day. Should I declare one? :-)

    flwrjane - thank you for your advice - this critter tries, it tries...splendor is elusive.

    jvdh - ja.So waneer gaan ons? First post rusk recipes?

    opera glass - To my everlasting regret I have no idea what my fig is. It was sold to me namelessly at a farmers' market. It has been suggested that it is a Black Triana, but I think not. is very helpful resource (thanks, Thomas)- they reply to questions and make good recommendations. Their Facebook page is helpful, too.

    webb - I wish I'd finished all that by lunch but it was 6.30 by the time I dragged the groceries up the stairs and dived into the cold prosecco :-) Yes! I took pics, must just do some photo housecleaning first and then they'll be up. Not sure they look like they took much effort.

    Hi Keli'i - thank you. My mother let me do arrangements in the cathedral chapel while she tackled the mainstage, as it were :-) It's not something I do often - just for people who know to ask...

  8. Thank you for the link!

  9. lovely walk marie! wait, what are rusks? and did you say "molly's party"?!

  10. Lovely. Central park is the only thing that makes NYC livable in my opinion. :)


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