And round the corner, above Muizenberg. The edge of False Bay, the endless breakers beneath fearlessly bobbing surfers, the home of rather a lot of Great Whites...The Hottentots' Holland Mountains far behind, closing us off from the rest of the country.
Kalk Bay Harbour, and Simonstown in the distance, the mouth of False Bay beyond. This is the Indian Ocean side of the peninsula...
Kalk Bay was the view in front of me, 180 degrees around and this water was tumbling from the mountain beside the road.
It's not an ugly place...
How serene! I am more than jealous of you 'getting away from it all' if even for a short time!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. That Table Mountain was definitely designed by a free flight addicted god...
ReplyDeleteAs for the ocean, well, you know my thoughts on that. Except for the great whites, of course. I like to see my sharks through clear water and from underneath... The surface seems like a... dinning plate.
Marie! You definitely need a geography lesson - the Cape Peninsula is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean - alle kante. The Indian Ocean ends at Cape Agulhas, the southern tip of Africa.
ReplyDeleteYour excuse that you were little, that you used for Springbok in Kruger, will not hold water here.
Geniet die blaaskaans in die veld.
Ag No Man, Guy! (Actually, I LOVE being pulled up short...)I thought the Indian Ocean made it into False Bay! Why does everyone say so...??? Yes, yes, I know, everybody is nie ingelig nie!
ReplyDeleteI'm back from the veld...
Marie, I suppose you could say that some of the warm water from the Indian Ocean CURRENT does continue flowing into False Bay making the ocean temperature slightly warmer in False Bay than on the western coastline of the peninsula, but as soon as it passes Cape Agulhas it's name changes to the Atlantic Ocean.
ReplyDeleteStreet names also have this habit of changing their names halfway - for example Adderley Street changes to Heerengracht when it crosses Strand Street in Cape Town!
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Ajude a divugar pois isso ira ajudar muito outros Pontos de Cultura.
Em novembro estarei em Belo Horizonte fazendo intervenções e performance por toda a cidade ( shoppings, praças publicas, comunidades faveladas, presídios, hospitais, gabinete do prefeito e do governador ), intervenções que fazer parte da construção do Totem Pergaminho Filosófico Cultural, e no final dos 10 dias o Totem será inaugurado pelo Ministro Gilberto Gil para a abertura da Bienal TEIA mineira. Após o evento o Totem com as histórias das comunidades será integrado ao patrimônio da prefeitura de Belo Horizonte.
Um forte e fraterno braço!
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