Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

For breakfast we ate the hot cross buns I baked last night, then had a little Easter egg hunt on the terrace with the cat, who was more interested in his sprouting catnip than in chocolate and marzipan bunnies. Yesterday I planted my instant spring primroses and mossy rockfoil (below), and some pansies, too. For supper we'll have a roast lamb leg - and that will be our Easter celebration. Now, it's about flowers and food, and not about religious dogma. Although, with my Christian background,  I always think of Jesus as the original terrorist. Of ideas. A freedom fighter. He would be so very unimpressed by us: our immature insistence on owning handguns and automatic rifles, our wars for profit, and our denial of equal rights to all human beings.

There endeth the lesson. 

Now, I have field garlic to turn into marmalade.

(April 1st at 9am EST: registration opens for my May 19th foraging class and walk at the BBG) 


  1. We too had home baked Hot Cross Buns. I swapped dried fruit for home made stemmed ginger and I used some home made Mincemeat left over from Christmas, delicious. Primula looks healthy, the bottom one I am not familiar with. I left my Geraniums out last night. I do hope they weren't all frozen to death. We had a frost. Hope Easter is lovely for you.

  2. I'm in agreement with your thoughts about Jesus' thoughts. He'd be disappointed in us, I think. Saddened.

    We've had a day with little boys making exciting comments as they played a video game and with a little girl kicking a soccer ball with her Daddy. In other words, a fine Easter Sunday. I'd gotten one of those ridiculous pie-maker thingies, purchased in a moment of weakness because the store had marked it down to $15.00, and danged if it didn't work really well. Everybody loved the apple pies.

    1. What are these fascinating-sounding pie-make thingies?

      In apartheid South Africa I was lucky to be exposed to the teachings (and actions)of a couple of clerics who had this view of the Gospels - and who used their faith to protest the actions of the government. One of them was Ted King, dean of St George's Cathedral in Cape Town, the other was Desmond Tutu.

    2. You were certainly lucky! I've never known anyone of that international renown, but I have been fortunate enough to meet thought-provoking ministers, one of them in Elizabethton, Tennessee, of all places. He saw Jesus as radical and action-oriented.

      Here's the pie-bakery: I can't imagine how a good cook would actually use it, but for those of us who eat quick meals, it may prove useful.

  3. My husband went out last night after dinner and came home with the very same foiled chocolate bunny for me. I've already bitten the ears off of it. I spent my afternoon planting my wintersown wildflowers, shirley pansies and evening primrose. Then it gently rained on them. It was a blessing.

    1. Biting the ears off is one of life's small but grand gestures...

  4. Happy Easter to you, too! I fully concur with your assessment of how disappointed Jesus would likely be with us.

  5. and our shunning of the poor and worshipping of the rich.........

  6. Marie, I have loved your blog and peeked in on you daily as you tend your 66 Sq. Ft. But on this day of rebirth and renewal I am so disappointed in your Easter post. As I have followed you, I have both envied you and felt sorry for you simultaneously. You have made a beautiful place with the space you have. I live in a rural area and have unlimited space upon which to garden. I have found myself from time to time wishing you could come here and feel the freedom of more space...well, and indeed more freedom in general. I have thought that our love of green and growing things would place us on common ground. But with this post, I wonder. I fear for you lovely people of New York, where you really have no freedom at all. No freedom granted by wide open spaces and no freedom to think for yourselves. The decisions and the "Double Speak" of the politicians, define the law of your land. I am not a particularly religious person, though I am a spiritual one. I truly believe that God is only disappointed in those who do not think for themselves, educate themselves with facts and support the teachings He held dear. I am sorry we must part ways in this way, and I indeed wish you well and wish God's Bounty for you.

    1. You've lost me..?

      But I don't believe in He's and She's and perhaps that is what it boils down to. As you say, thinking for ourselves.

    2. Hmm I missed this post, maybe because I was at church?

      I love your take on Christian history and and would beg to remind Christy that before we had that day of rebirth,Jesus pissed off the government,they suspected him of conspiring against Rome.

      He was then condemned to death by hanging. Sounds like a terrorist activity to me.

      The sermon yesterday suggested if we want to participate in the rebirth we need to get out of the tomb. Shake off the old, breath in some fresh air, stop living in the past. Plant a primrose.

      Happy Easter Monday.

      xo jane

      And yes,

    3. I wish Christy would explain exactly what she's talking about. What part of Marie's post shows that she does not think for herself, and what is the relevance of politicians' double-speak? What is so objectionable that she must "part ways"? Very puzzling.

    4. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that to Christy:

      Terrorist = Muslim = Twin Towers = New York = Afghanistan and Iraq = axis of evil = attack on Christianity = Jesus = blasphemy?

      Or perhaps Christy owns a handgun, a semiautomatic, and opposes gay marriage?

      I can't explain the politicians, though. Unless NPR counts as doublespeak? :-)

  7. Well put, Marie. I, too, think Jesus would be mightily disappointed in us, and even though Christianity and I parted ways long ago, I believe that its modern-day incarnation has nothing to do with Jesus at all. And, just for the record, Christy has lost me, too, with his/her own brand of "Double Speak."

    Happy spring renewal!


  8. Christy requires focus. And must never touch guns.

  9. Hi Marie! We all have our own opinions especially on religion! My take on Easter happens to be the Christian view. But I also have a love of life, food, nature and love itself and that's what I think, you, I and others have in common! That's why I adore your blog - along with the tantalising glimpses of New York and South Africa and your cat! Keep the fab blogs coming!


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