Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chilly spring

We sat at the stone table this morning and ate a weekend breakfast. A China blue sky, cardinals, blue jays, a mockingbird and two unidentified song birds calling. The Iceberg rose's new green leaves are beginning to show, but the New Dawn is still a week behind. Vince is off on an expedition and I am making some adjustments to the latest incarnation of the book (yes, you can preorder 66 Square Feet - a Delicious Life on Amazon despite the fact that the cover has not been chosen, yet! Good price, if you do, too).

Tweak, tweak, fiddle, fiddle, and soon it will be out of my hands again.


  1. Lovely photo. Love the plate. Curious about the sauce -- what is it?

    1. Yes, Camille's right. An English 'sauce', with dates as one of the main ingredients. I used to read the ingredients list obsessively when I was little. Pretty The English have their empire-building to thank for it. Anything to make all that boiled mutton taste better. I spread a little on toast with bacon (though we never used it today) but I grew up with a breakfast, once a week, of pork sausages and watched how my father would slit each one carefully along its length, then moisten it with HP Sauce.

  2. Marie, its a steal. I was assuming double the price. Cant wait to have it in my hands!

    1. I agree. It IS a steal. For a hardcover...$16.99? (That's the Amazon offer, which is almost 50% off the cover price). I still have no idea how pricing works, but did know that the publishers wanted it to be affordable, at just under $30. That also dictates the size and number of pages within their budget.

  3. You are outside? AND you had bacon?

    It is a delicious life.

    I'm gonna go get me a book. So excited.

    xo jane

  4. HP Sauce....similar to "A1 Steak Sauce"....only better :)!! Tangier, spicier, great on all kinds of things! Manufactured in both the UK & Canada & it's one of our favourite condiments! If you can get your hands on some, try it with fries instead of ketchup....divine!!

  5. Good to see properly cooked bacon and, being british, amused to see HP sauce lauded as an exotic by commenters. To me it the lurking monster which leaves me nervously watching to see my order of 'bacon butty, no sauce' has been heard correctly. The flavour is mostly vinegar, sugar and tamarind. However, on a patriotic note, it is no longer manufactured in the UK, but made in the Netherlands for the UK market since Heinz bought the brand(not MY patriotism, although I do regret the right-wing run down of manufacturing it demonstrates). HP sauce is mainstay of british working class cuisine (and as such also lately has immense snob value). The british love vinegar based condiments (see also, Salad Cream), based partly on being substantially more dutch than we generally admit to, and much more german than we EVER admit to.

  6. HP sauce was made by HP Foods in England, which was taken over by Heinz. They also make a Fruity Sauce which is sweeter. Yes, HP Sauce is readily available in Canada but we prefer Fruity Sauce which we have to pick up in Wegmans in Buffalo. Both are good.

  7. Pre-ordered and can't wait to get my hands on your book!

  8. thanks for the tip, i just pre-ordered my copy.
    we are having a very chilly spring here in st. louis--snowed over 9 inches yesterday.


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