Friday, March 1, 2013

A week

It's been quite a week.

From a tidal wave of bodily sadness last weekend, to looking at barges on the Hudson where an edible garden may grow, to oysters at the Oyster Bar, to thinking up the perfect, explanatory subtitle for my book, to finding these beautiful tulips with pale orange streaks on the outside, to wondering why our kitty has gone off his food, to fielding requests for garden consultations (pouring in, yippee!) to finding out - one week after the event - that my dad fell and broke a rib because he was deliriously high - after a wisdom tooth extraction - on a bad cocktail of pain drugs, but that he still intends to cycle in the 109km/68 mile Argus Cycle Tour*** this month, to discovering that KLM wants $1,000 extra, on top of the $1,700 already paid,  for my return-flight to Cape Town, to making the elliptical machine at the gym sing with high resistance effort while I exorcise my various demons and organize my thoughts, to realizing that February is over, to rinsing, drying wrapping and hanging my new batch of duck prosciutto, to making the best damn sauce ever for last night's chicken breasts, to waiting, today, for the first glimpse of my whole book - to be delivered soon, printed on loose pages, so I can think and digest in preparation for a meeting with my publishers next week, to...what's left?

I suppose I could make the bed.

*** Of course I am very proud of him, in case you are wondering. I would just like him to read drug labels.


  1. sounds like you should lay in it, not make it!

  2. Is this what used to be called "galleys" - how incredibly exciting. I think a large gglass of Prosecco is whatyou should have.

  3. This is pre-galleys, webb - this one's called 1st Pass. At this point a lot of edits will still be made and I can still change some text and photos.

    A sizeable box has arrived and I'm too excited and nervous to look at it! Tomorrow.

    Prosecco is a great idea!

  4. Your a busy woman. Tip one back for me and have a relaxing weekend!

  5. Spring is almost here, though I feel your February pain.
    My least favorite month, though it is thankfully, the shortest!
    Have a nice weekend.
    It's cocktail hour! xo

  6. Jesus, makes my week seem tame.

    I can't believe it it the 1st of March. Still in hat, gloves and a scarf but the weeds are overtaking the garden.

    Spring must be on the way.

    The cat?

    Enjoy the fruits of your labor tomorrow.

    xo Jane


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