Monday, October 27, 2008


When I emerged sleepily from the bedroom this morning I saw what all the snipping noises had been about: flowers! Vincent had to resort to jam jars for the irises...

And at work, when I returned from picking up a papaya salad for lunch, I found more from Natalie and Chris, and from the latter, who knows my drinking habits well, a bottle of prosecco...then Natalie, who has quite a sweet tooth, suggested that I might need some little cakes. I suggested she pick her favourite flavour. I had half a red velvet cupcake - really nice. But you know me. Give me salty things any day.

There really is nothing better than flowers. Except my husband-and-cat combination. And my mom's flowers are still somehow finding their way to me from South Africa. The florist she spoke to there, about having flowers delivered here, said, New York, where's that? Canada?


  1. and many, many happy returns of the day to you, both of you, all three of you.


  2. happy happy birthday to da wooman of our broder estorbo, purrrrrrrrr =^:^=

  3. Thanks Melanie and Halloween (hey, Halloween, what do you do on The Day?)...

    And Trebor and H-h-huwi...Shame, kitties. You must be a little worried right now. Don't worry, I will visit you!

  4. Ah, flowers! Unbeatable! Gorgeous!
    What are you saying? New York is not in Canada?!?!?!

    Now I feel better about Americans being so clueless about the rest of the world... héhé

  5. That Safrican florist knew of important places northward. Smart. :-)

  6. marie, i dunno, on most days i sleep on the fut a the reclyner, an i have sammin and fresh watrr, and then i keep Mine's mom cumpny by sleepin on the fut a the reclyner, an then i have some sammin. then on the aftanoon, afta i have some crunchees frum the powch, or on the nite afta dinnrr wit evrybudy i go inta the park across the street. and then on the day again i come home. sometimes on the eevnin, i sit on the fut a the recliner an Mine brushes me an then i sleep wile She sose. good kwyet tymes on the day, like Es sez -- dayeen, dayoud.

    so nice a yer ta ask. whaddya ya do on the day? do ya make plantz gro evin in wintrr on yer byootafull trrace? thas a gift, if ya has it. Es is a lucky puss. i noe he presheeates, undrr all his blustrr.


  7. Hallow een: I was unclear. All Soul's Eve. Halloween. Frightnight. On that day/night, what, oh cat of that name, do you Do?

    If I had been clear, though, I would not have had the pleasure of your reponse. You could teach that Flora dog with a blog a thing or two about meditation.

    Park. You walk there? Can Yours take a picture, I mean, would she?

    What I do on the day varies. Sometimes I lie on the fut of the recliner and sometimes I have sammin. Rarely, I am brushed. In the winter I tend to fly far south, beyond where geese go. Or I paint pictures of gardens to be.

    Which reminds me, know a good cat- sitting person? ^^

  8. ya mite try ta encuraj the brushin. it's nice. speshully afta ya bin out in a cold rayn.

    the park ain't plantid like a citee gardin. it's mostly rocks an a wood that was left alone an kept growin. Mine sed She'll try ta take some pikturs if it evrr stops raynin. but i thot i shud let ya noe that innit much ta look at.

    Mine's afrayd i mite get hrrt by the yung hyoomuns out prankin in ther costooms, me bein a black cat an all an that bein a focus of that unwonted atenshun ya menshunned, so She has me stay in on the day that has my name. pologees fer me bein confyoosed bout the kweschun. but Mine's Mom has sum trubble remembrring sum wrrds an she calls me by anuthrr holiday -- valentine -- an i can go out on that day, so there's anuther of them mist trees.

    the ginger cats' Her sed on her blog that she loves the mist tree of what ya can make with colored water. payntin, she means. i gess you know more bout that than me. payntin gardins, sownds nice.

    Mine noes a vrry nice ladee in prrk slope that mabee culd look in on Es when yer farther south than geese go. Mine'll emale ya a lttul later. i'm gonna have nap now. this is a lotta typin fer me in one day.

    be warm an dry, miss marie.
    [mabee mistrr beence culd help out wit tha brushin.]


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