Saturday, October 11, 2008

October Sky

Gaura "Whirling Butterflies"

Summer savoury

Abyssinian gladiolus

Fig in fall

Late honey bee on fennel

Hornet on fennel!


  1. Yellow jackets. Who needs them. ;-)

  2. By the way, your New York October skies are quite stunning. I'm jealous.

  3. Gaura are wonderful aren't they?
    Mine seemed to have had a slow start this year but are doing so well now.
    The couple that I have are finally ready for some dividing so I'd better get to work instead of looking at your flowers;-)

  4. Yellow Did I tell you about the time they lifted shrimp from bowls at a garden party (small,small shrimp)in Cape Town?

    NYC fall skies are stunning. But Vancouver's moss holds it own.

    Colleen- yes, I love it for adding something fluffy and light to a border.


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