Friday, May 23, 2014

In transit

Uptown-bound on the 5.

In Harlem, a man in a three piece suit stood grandly aside as I staggered down the sidewalk, and when I switched hands two blocks further, on the corner of Fifth and 127th, a tiny Hispanic woman in sky-high heels stopped and said, You need help with that?

I did, actually, but it would have crushed her.

And I like living in a place where people ask.


  1. Lovely words and picture. Glad you are finding your way in your new neighborhood.

  2. Can we see the result on the terrace?

  3. This comment requires extrapolated imagination (which I have) to fathom the linkage but in looking at the pretty green leaves (above), I am reminded of a memory..

    Several times a day, I pass your "2014 Market Calendar" in my kitchen and this month (May) reveals tightly paced asparagus arrayed in disciplined rows seeming very erect, put together, and proud. I chuckle when I glance at this colorful image as these parade-ground vegetables remind me of a Marine infantry company lined up ready for inspection. And of course we called ourselves the "lean green machine." But, vegetables we were not.

    So on this Memorial Day, I think lovingly of those good men who did not come home with the rest of us after serving in a real bad war in South Vietnam. And one of those men, David Dayle MacKenzie, a Michigan Marine, would just about now be in his second term as our President. He was that special. I miss him every day.

  4. Are you leading a walk in Central Park today?


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