Saturday, December 31, 2016

Thank you, 2016

Looking back, through the lens of a small handful of pictures, this selective record of 2016 helps to put a year in perspective. Some of the best things are reflected here: lessons learned, drinks drunk, crops cultivated, walks taken, forages found, gardens grown.

This curated version of a life: Is it dishonest? Would it be more relevant to capture the bad things, like my father's vascular dementia, my mother's worry, my husband's 10 to 12 hour work days, the unpredictable and stressful noise from neighbors, our families who are, to say the least, complicated?

My answer is that the rosy perspective of my edited digital record keeps me sane, and reflects moments of real happiness within the context of the messy life that is probably typical of the lives that most humans lead.

Through it all my steadiest and best companion has been the Frenchman, who remains the light of my life, quietly in the background, moving heaven and earth on a daily basis.

For the new year, I would wish Frenchmen upon everyone. But since there may be a shortage, my wish instead would be to develop or nurture a sense of curiosity. With it you will never be alone, never bored, often surprised, and frequently delighted.

Onward. And strength in the struggle. Whatever it may be.


  1. Thanks for always showing us your world thru the lens of the exciting things that hide in the everyday places; the beauty of the City; and the pleasures of simple meals from local ingredients. You make the world richer.

  2. as the poet mary oliver says, pay attention, be astonished, tell about it.

    thank you for telling us about all the good things in your life. happy new year!

  3. Thank you! That sense of curiosity and possibility is one I strive to develop in my son - who does seem to be bent that way naturally - and our Prospect Park walk with you did a fine job of encouraging him that direction! Thank you for that and for your ongoing posts, which have cheered me up on a few gray New York days lately.

  4. yes, strength friend.
    so glad you are here on the "interwebs".

  5. Thank you for your continued posts. I enjoy my glimpses of NYC, South Africa and, of course, the Corg

  6. Happy New Year to you and all your followers. I drop in on your blog when I want a dose of optimism (and beautiful pictures). Thank you for your wise words and sharing beautiful things in this funny old world. Jill (UK)

  7. Thanks for your inspiration to make delicious food and present it so beautifully...I marvel at the time it takes to accomplish this and get all the details accomplished to put it out there for us - the photographing and writing up the posts. But I really wanted to tell you that tonight on New Years Eve I made your Ceasar Salads - big ones! and they were very delicioius! I will make them again and again. Thanks for sharing your world.

  8. Well said. I am lucky to have my own "frenchman" who has been both the steadiest and brightest light in my life for more than 35 years. And your posts never fail to brighten my day. Thank you and Happy New Year.

  9. Sending love and support. My partner's mom had vascular dementia. There's nothing to be really said other than, you are not alone.

    Thank you for your posts

    -a total stranger

  10. and thank you for this...

    B in Chicago

  11. Dear Marie,
    Happy New Year 2017, a year we both are facing with trepidation on the political front. To reply to your question above, Dishonest? Not in my view. Beauty, as you express it in so many forms, is a necessary healer & perhaps for the next 4 years, crutch. I will read fine poems, listen to divine classical music, view as much visual art as possible and continue to follow you.
    Marie, your posts are a blessing in so many lives and right now especially, we need the blessings - and the beauty.
    Appreciatively comme toujours,
    Diane in Denver

  12. I'm excited for another year of loveliness. Thank you. Always.

  13. Marie, your lovely words...followed by the wise words of the comments...don't ever regret sharing hope and beauty with the rest of us.


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