Thursday, December 1, 2016

Saffron crocus!

In Brooklyn it poured with rain for two days. Today, when I went out to feed The People (our name for our sparrow hordes), I happened to glance down. And there was a row of pale crocuses. I was not expecting that at all. All wrapped tightly shut, some showing an expensive tongue of scarlet. I don't think they will open - no direct sun shining on them at this time of year. I just had not thought of that.

But there they are. 

Part of the Trump-therapy bulb collection, they are in fact fall-blooming, but considering how late I planted them...

I will pick them tomorrow and collect their anthers.


  1. I'm so surprised- I would have thought they needed chilling hours, recalling regular crocus bulbs I have planted in cooler climates in the past. Oh, to grow your own saffron- this is wonderful.

  2. Marie, check out this story. I just heard it this morning on VPR while I was boiling eggs for brekkies.

  3. Do you need to pick the flowers to harvest the saffron...I'm guessing, yes, but am unsure and Google isn't being helpful.

    1. I don't think you do. I did, but if you don't mind squatting for a long time and have clever fingers you can remove the stigmas at ground level.


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