Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Green-Wood botanical walk


Green-Wood Cemetery
27 September 2014, 12.30pm - 3.00pm

As I wrote in 66 Square Feet - A Delicious Life, some of the city's most beautiful trees grow in Green-Wood. I have sat under them in the hottest months and felt cool, and have rustled through the leaf litter in fall, sharing the grounds with no one but a stately ground hog, who is king of Green-Wood.

Join me on a quiet exploration of one of the most peaceful parts of the city. Also the most hilly. Rare, in New York City.

Image: Google Maps

After rain, the lawns are home to mushrooms and sometimes one finds maitake growing on the roots of the mostly stately trees.


It will be a walk with eyes trained to what grows in lawns and on trees. We may see little. We may see a lot. But it will be beautiful.

We meet on the sidewalk at Green-Wood's main entrance on 5th Avenue and 25th Street. Closest subway is the R at 25th Street. More details will be emailed before we walk.

Bring a sandwich and drink, and a sense of adventure.

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