Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Beautiful garlic

My bundle of Hudson Clove garlic arrived two days ago, beautifully packaged, tied, and each bulb individually labeled. There was a little bonus bunch of shallots, too.

My friend Frank grew this garlic - it was pulled in July and has been curing till now. I have seen none more beautiful. It will be employed soon in various ways: definitely in the creamy garlic soup (in my book, and a cool weather staple in my house), definitely roasted, and spread on toast - with a pinch of salt and a grinding of pepper, and definitely kicking the rear of the summer sniffle I have managed to acquire.

If there is still some garlic left (it's a small-scale New York production) treat yourself or a friend to this wonderful bouquet.

I can't think of a lovelier gift. It teaches you what garlic really should be.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I think so too - and the texture: very crisp and fresh.

  2. That looks wonderful. I never knew there were so many varieties of garlic. I jus sent one off as a gift.


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