Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The cat in the room

The cat had a rough day on Sunday. We did, too, really, although nobody jabbed us with needles. It was the first really beautiful blue spring day and we spent it driving up and down Manhattan.

We Zipcarred him from Harlem to Cobble Hill (sob) to visit Dr Slade, who squeezed us in with very little notice. He's only there half the week. Dr Slade, that is.

The cat had upchucked twice in three days - highly unusual for him: he hasn't since before his fancy, reader-supported thyroid nuking treatment, last May. I had a doomed feeling, and wanted blood tests, whose results we are still awaiting (since the trip, the cat is in impeccable health. Of course).

Back at home he found the grass I had put on a stool in the sun. He is quite a long cat.

Then he fell into a deep sleep in the faux fur.

The upside of spending a little time in Cobble Hill was that Vince was able to charge up to Court Street to procure his favourite, garlic-stuffed olives (destined for martinis), as well as a delectable spindried chicken, which enveloped us in wonderful, herby smells, all the way back to Harlem.

Dinner that night was good. The cat woke up in time for it.

Of course.


  1. "Spindried" - love it. Hugs to Storbie; silly cat has us all worried!!

  2. I read in the pet column of a magazine that mature cats will upchuck if given milk. Seems that only baby kittens have the internal chemistry to digest it. Had never heard that before...

  3. Marie, I am anxiously waiting for the results, too. Having a pet as a family member is almost like living with a human in terms of their medical problems, except that it can seem so much worse because they are essentially helpless creatures. I have grown quite attached to Cat and am sending good thoughts and love his way and your way, also. Lynne, Pittsboro, NC

  4. We hope Storbie's test results are good. Maybe he just needs more greens...

  5. Beams and crossed fingers for good test results!

  6. I do hope Storbie passes his test with flying colors. Our cats are our fur babies.

  7. Storbie smelled the grass and went to sleep, and that's just perfect. This might be his version of "smelling the roses." Good vibes now coming his way from Virginia..

    Wonder if Vince will barter for something indigenous around here on the Chesapeake for some garlic-stuffed olives all the way from "Court Street"? Let me think a bit about a proper and compatible exchange that will make it worth the trouble. Still searching, you know, for the perfect martini.

  8. Storbie in the passenger seat! I hope the test results are good results.

  9. 'Kaika and I are sending good vibes for good results for the Cad.


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