Friday, April 4, 2014

Boule for breakfast

Good morning. Just me and my boule, here.

The newest boule made me smile. It is the first loaf I've made with the starter that has lived in the fridge for a week. And the loaf rose high, with a crackly crust. So now I know the starter is alive and kicking and biding its time in the cold.

Hey. Aren't we all?

I ate a slice (the crust, in fact) for breakfast, with butter and lingonberry jam, and the very-important cup of coffee. It tastes, and smells, exactly the way it looks. 

I will try not to write a post for every loaf of bread I bake.

For the interested, here are two links that turned my loaf-making successful (once my starter was strong):

Stella Culinary 70% hydration boule
Stella Culinary how to make a basic sourdough boule 


  1. You are driving me crazy! LOL, I mean that as a compliment. Ever since you began posting about sourdough bread, I have been craving it. Yours looks yummy.


  2. I've got my sourdough starter out to make more this weekend. This time, I'm using the folding method to prep but using the pot to cook it in -- hoping that the crust will come out just as you describe. Last round it wasn't as crusty as I'd like. Here's a sweet, slightly precious little movie from Kinfolk:
    Brooklyn son says that he always "forgets the step where you hand write a letter on artisanal paper..."

    1. I remembered what you said about your starter not liking a cold house, too. I think that was my problem too, because our place can be Arctic. I stumbled upon a website that I can't find now, with long, daunting - it seemed - instructions about how to look after a cold weather starter. What stuck with me was the instruction NOT to feed it for a while. And so for some days, I did not feed mine. That gave the critters time to work. I'll keep searching for it.

    2. thanks for the links.... I didn't name my starter. Maybe that was the problem :-)

  3. However, thanks for the posts Marie- They are appreciated and happen to coincide with my (renewed) efforts to make my own bread, so they give me inspiration. I'm trying to perfect the no-knead-cast-iron-pot bread first, but then may move on to the sour dough starter- THANKS for all the posts- Happy Spring! Jan D.

  4. Post, post! I know what you mean though, each loaf is it's own individual creation, worthy of note :)


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