Friday, November 15, 2013

Cocktail for fall

Sweetfern-infused bourbon (Maker's Mark), topped with  apple cider, in this case a really lovely French one I found at The Wild Olive on 125th: Etienne Dupont's Cidre Bouche Brut de Normandie - delicious. Unpasteurized and organic, with a negligible 4.5% alcohol content. I've had couple of bottles in the last two weeks and it pairs well with the kind of food one wants to eat at this time of year.

What is in your autumn glass?


  1. Bought your fabulous book from the Book Lounge in Cape Town!

    1. Thank you! And thank goodness. That means the books arrived at last (I didn't know...). They were on a ship form Southampton :-)

  2. looks yummy. Jack Rabbit Punch! Perfect for Autumn. First tasted at the Campbell Apartment in NYC a couple of years ago during the Big Blizzard of '10. Apple Jack, Pear Liquer (I use Belle de Brillet), Pimento Dram, Lemon, Maple Syrup and Sparkling Wine.


  3. Finn River black current hard cider.
    No substitutions allowed.


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