Sunday, July 12, 2009

Donna's daylilies

Enter Donna, a reader in Arlington, Massachusetts, who heeded my plea for day lily owners to eat their day lilies. She targeted flowers and tubers, below.

These tubers looked smaller than the ones I've seen - I wonder if the age of the day lily colony makes a difference...Donna said she tried and liked the tubers but the verdict is Too. Much. Work.

Below is her piece de resistance, day lilyful (the long orange slices are the buds, slit) and -garnished salad, all ingredients, bar shrimp, fresh from the garden and the CSA box.


Thanks for playing Donna! You win a bottle of red currant jam, about to be bottled.


  1. Huh? I am truly confused.
    I even showed hubby this picture of a daylily in a pan of delicious looking food and he was a little surprised. Are they truly edible or is this just a garnish.
    Have you eaten one Marie?
    He eats all sorts of plants I am afraid of so I trust his instinct.
    I guess I missed a few posts of yours so I didn't see the challenge but I wouldn't have competed anyway unless my DH went outside, gobbled a daylily and was still healthy the next day.

  2. Hi Colleen - yes, I promise they are edible. Google it if you're worried. And buy Stalking the Wild Asparagus,by Euell Gibbons, a must read for any American who likes to eat :-)And yes, I have eaten the buds and the tubers (the latter only once). The buds are very good raw as a salad vegetable, or steamed, as the they do in Asia, or ..well whatever you can think of. The faded flowers are also treated as a vegetable, and I like the tubers peeled and sliced thinly like sunchokes, raw. So send out the DH at once! I've heard from Donna subsequently so I know she's still alive...

  3. Yum! I think you'll find the root ball does increase with age.Well, I had trouble lifting a very old clump.


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