Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Witch hazel and friends

Off to the BBG to look for witch- and winter hazels, and winter honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima). I incorporated quite a few into designs for gardens last year and like to see when exactly they bloom in the ground (as opposed to the roof/terrace garden). Pity there's no snow. They look so good in snow.

This is last year at the Brooklyn foot of the Brooklyn Bridge, at the end of Cadman Plaza.

Tuesdays are free admission (or donation) days at the BBG.


  1. Have fun at the Botanical Garden! And i hope you take lots of pics. Witch hazel and forsythia planted against a sound barrier on the interstate here are already blooming...it's an ideal environment for early bloom because they're protected from the wind and get warmth reflected from the barrier. Nearby someone included red-osier dogwoods in the planting and their bare red stems look so beautiful and bright during a long grey winter.

  2. my witch hazel, cadman plaza enroute to high st A/C.

  3. QC - it was fun. Cold, but lovely.

    Frank - in the little park planting where the traffic comes down from the bridge?

  4. Wow, how did I find this....
    Uh, yeah. Cadman Plaza East, between walkway and bridge off ramp, behind fence.


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