Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Do you smell mushrooms?

Good mushroom weather, we've been having. Rain, the first cold nights, a little warmth in the day.

Blewits - Clitocybe nuda - the typical pale lavender is fading in these specimens, but still a fresh enough clutch for a light lunch, on toast. The spore print is pale buff. Spore prints are important.

I had never seen these, before, below. Very striking.

Turns out they are Leucoagaricus americanus, and are edible. They caused some excitement in a mushroom forum.

See their distinctive, fat stems...

This cap was about five inches across. 

I'm not  a very adventurous mushroom eater, and I do my homework, so don't panic. I only brought one home to identify, and it will not be lunch.



  1. Beautiful! And great photos as ever. Love the ones with the brown centres :)

  2. I was just looking at an article in the NYT on restaurants in D.C. It mentioned one restaurant that serves a maitake/mushroom tempura. I thought that might pique your interest! Sounds delicious.


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