Thursday, July 9, 2009

Olifantsbos footprints

My mom sent me some weekend footprint pictures from the early morning beach at Olifantsbos, that magical bay at the tip of the Cape Peninsula. Above, probably mongoose.

Above: Hm: no claws...mongooses have sticking-out claws. Could it be an African Wild Cat? I consulted my Signs of the Wild, by Clive Walker..and I'd say this IS the little cat!!!

Baboon, my favourite. Not. Early teenage memory of shivering in the waves of Buffels Bay while a huge male baboon stared at us from the breaker-line on the beach.

Sea meeus. Seagull feet.


  1. oh my. and I thought the mama-bear raccoon and her four kits who were in the yard last night were impressive.

  2. Melanie - I love the word kits. And it is wonderful to have them! Do you ever see them washing their paws in the water you leave them? It's adorable.

    TEOH: ja. Sorry.

  3. Ok, I admit it, it was me tiptoeing. Hence the sense of an absence of claws...


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