Thursday, April 13, 2017

Brooklyn Forage Walk

Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata

Prospect Park
15 April 2017
12pm - 2pm

April in Brooklyn. An edible spring is sprouting underfoot in the wilds of Prospect Park, and wild foods like ephemeral lesser celandine flowers, dandelions, mugwort, ground elder (goutweed) shoots, garlic mustard (all of these are crazy-invasives) are appearing.

Lesser celandine, Ficaria verna

We'll walk though a cross-section of woodland and open ground, discussing the differences between natives and invasives, what they mean in terms of foraging and cooking, and whether it makes more sense to forage or harvest. We end with a wild-inspired picnic. We may even find the Easter Bunny (don't worry, he is not on the menu!).

Meet up details will be emailed to confirmed walkers.



Book a Spring Forage Walk

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