Sunday, April 23, 2017

On the Street: April flowers

Above: Clinton Street's callery pears near the beginning of April. These days you can find me in one of five places 1. At my desk - writing, or editing photos 2. In the kitchen - testing recipes, taking pictures of cooked recipes 3. In the garden - collecting or planting things to eat or tidying up and trying not to spend too long ooh-ing and ah-ing at something that has just come up or opened 4. Out foraging for wild foods for the book that is almost my sole focus 5. On my bike, on my way to foraging, or running (riding?) local errands. No 5 is where these pictures come from.  Shot on the fly.

The flyby is so pretty, right now.

Clinton Street on April 22nd. The callery pears have leafed out.

One must still do laundry. Ugh. Actually, I quite enjoy it - interesting people at the laundromat. This is just outside its doors on Henry Street, exactly halfway between where we used to live (the terrace with the original 66 square feet) and where we live now. I stuff the laundry bag on the back of my bike and off we wobble.

The madonna on 3rd Place has a very successful lawn at her feet, where bulbs bloom in succession. I pass her on my way to buy wine or fresh mozzarella from Caputo's or more pots from the hardware store.

Her early April hyacinths have given way to narcissus.

The Kate Winslet crabapple in Cobble Hill Park is in full flight. Lots of activity here during the War of Independence.

The 'Kanzan' cherries have been glorious in the last week.

They are very well represented in Carroll Gardens, our neighborhood:

And the lilacs are opening. A little early.

I spotted a planter of Phlox subulata in full bloom in Boerum Hill, one neighborhood east of us.

And on our block a riotous front garden hosts tulips as well as very edible dame's rocket. For that matter, tulips are edible, too. Yup.

The sun goes down on April, which is threatening to be May.

It's good to have daylight after 6pm. I turn on my bike's red flashing rear light and smile and wave at the rare obnoxious driver - always driving poorly - who yells out of his window, "Where's ya helmet?"

The Norway maples' electric lime flowers are on the cusp of fading.

And beautiful, native fothergilla is still in full tuft (plant this shrub if you have space - their fall color is brilliant).

So that is the hood.

For now.



  1. Glorious spring and glorious pictures!

  2. I love your photos of "the hood" and NYC. It's a window into another world. We've a cold, extremely wet spring in the PNW. The cherry trees are past their prime as are the daffs and the tulips are beginning to go....the weeds, however, are rampant.

  3. Everything is looking so good! We are about two weeks - maybe three - ahead of you. The lilacs are just finishing now (beaten down by a heavy rain last night). And, where is your helmet?

  4. If you really don't wear a helmet, please consider it. We don't want to lose you! Thanks for your blog and looking forward to your book.


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