Sunday, March 12, 2017

End times

A blizzard is approaching, but this is what the vegetable plot looks like after last Friday's gentle snowfall. The garlic will be fine. The potatoes were planted too early (I am really annoyed at myself) in February's fake spring (I bet it was the warmest on record, again), and will probably be mush - not because of the snow, which is an insulator, but because of the serious deep freezes we have had since and the cold to come this week - many degrees below freezing. Saving my special potatoes all winter in the fridge just to get them killed by own impatience is...pfffffff.

But snow is on its way and I am happy about that. I'd rather have real snow than fake winter.

South Africa is having crazy weather, too. The wind blew so hard on Sunday that the Cape Town Cycle Tour, an immense and impeccably organized event, was canceled after it had begun. Cyclists were blown right off their bikes. Their bikes flew in the air as they hung onto the handlebars. Google some videos. It's fascinating. And in Durban the beachfront was swamped by massive surge - like a tsunami. End of days.

If it's the apocalypse, fine. Trump is president and the world is in disarray.

If you know of a handy cliff with a view, point me at it. I'm ready to make like a lemming.

In the meantime, there is buckwheat sourdough and Irish salmon.



  1. Sitting here with forsythias in full bloom and the Bradford pears (yuck!) already leafing out, as is our elm tree, I have to sit on my hands and hide my shoes to keep myself from going outside and digging, planting, trimming it all! Our February was "only" the 2nd warmest on record, but zounds! this has been the winter from Oz. And, by Friday - when the high will be 45 - we will be past the usual last freeze date. Aaaaargh!

  2. Oh, my! The Toronto Star had an impressive video of the Capetown Cycle Tour and cyclists trying to manage their vehicles while walking:

  3. Saw the videos, too. I know few people from the US, so I cannot imagine the feeling you have there about Trump. Here, in Europe, it already feels bad. So I find the sentence from you a very good insight into your feelings there "If it's the apocalypse, fine. Trump is president and the world is in disarray." This is a good, a strong sentence. I am impressed.

    1. Thank you, gehoelzbalkon. It's like living inside a satire, here. Can't find the door.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Trump is president and the world is in disarray. I personally think that the Universe became fed up and upset with all this negative energy, created by trump, that it got the hiccups. Your post made me 'laugh and cry' at the same time. Well, if you want to 'lemming', I can offer you a nice cliff, Marie. It's posted for you. Well, you made me post again on my blog! Thank you for the 'push'.

  6. The blizzard of '17 is in full force here up in the mountains....we are looking at 3 ft of snow at least. Sigh. However, I'm heading down to my utility room to clear the workbench for seed starting - it's time! The warmth of that room plus the grow light I bought last season make for perfect seed starting conditions. Bring on spring!!

  7. Your posts me me up with so much emotion. I feel so connected. We shared the same landlord situation being pushed out of our apartments with garden and we have found even better place to live, with yet another gorgeous outdoor space. Your images of your new kitchen look so similar to mine. This week I also baked buckwheat sourdough and had it with salted salmon (and had tulips in my kitchen as well:) I love foraging for wild mushrooms and mixing summer cocktails of pretty colors for my friends. Love good food and beautiful images. Just wanted to share... it is really special that I came upon your page in virtual space

    1. Thank you so much, Ellitaria! Parallel lives.


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