Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Foraging walks - October

Hawthorn, Crataegus species

I have two foraging walks scheduled for October. Attendance is limited to 15 walkers. I am sometimes able to lead private walks, too, so if you have another park in mind for October-November,  or want to walk through your own neighborhood, get in touch using the Find/Follow link for availability and rates. 

Central Park's North Woods
3 October 2015, 12pm - 2pm

Join me on an edible botanical ramble through Central Park's North Woods. We'll spot and discuss weedy edible greens, from prolific pseudo-grains like lamb's quarters, to easy-to-recognise pokeweed, burdock and Japanese knotweed.  

Chicken of the woods - Laetiporus sulphureus

We'll see greenbriar, sumac and spicebush, and talk about what to do with them. There will be fruit and nut-bearing trees, the plant that killed Mrs Lincoln, and a few others, inbetween. If we are lucky, there may be a mushroom or two. We will pause on the way to enjoy a wild-inspired snack from my backpack.  Don't panic,  it won't contain strange mushrooms. 

An edible puffball

It is migration season for the birds that use the Atlantic Flyway, and we are likely to encounter songbirds and their friends en route south, which is a nice, feathery bonus.

October in the North Woods

We meet at 12pm at the SW corner of Central Park North and Lenox Avenue. Confirmation emails will be sent to confirmed walkers the week before the walk.


Aronia - chokeberry

Prospect Park
17 October 2015, 12pm - 2pm

Crossing from east to west through Prospect Park's diverse midriff  we will spot a wide range of wild edible (and poisonous) plants, from lawn denizens such as plantain, dandelions and chicory to indigenous forest plants, and invasive weeds like Japanese knotweed and burdock.

Poisonous white snakeroot - Ageratina altissima

If we are lucky, we may spot a maitake mushroom. October is their month.

We meet at the park entrance at the corner of Prospect Park West and Prospect Park Southwest. The closest subways are the F and G to Prospect Park.

Confirmation emails and additional details will be sent to confirmed walkers the week before the walk.


Hen of the woods, Grifola frondosa

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