Thursday, August 27, 2015

Continental whiplash

Morning at last. Jetlag wakes you at 3.15am, so you read three Oscar Wilde stories, as well as re-read the introduction to the anthology (published in 1948) decrying his "sordid past," and when that becomes too much, catch up on two back issues of the Botanical Society's Veld and Flora. You beat the birds to breakfast by an hour, in the still-dark, and by 7.34am would like to go back to sleep.

The flowers are from the garden - Lachenalias, Cape Town's answer to daffodils, and so much nicer, in this, their native context.


  1. They look rather like hyacinth. Fragrant?

  2. As the picture loaded, the little girl inside me yelled:"Lachenalia!" and I was, again, a toddler, picking them at Nan's house...

  3. Enjoy your time with your family!
    Beautiful post, as they all are. You have the most eloquent way with words, and your photos are stunning.

  4. Sounds like idyllic jetlag to me.


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