Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Black cherry rain

A walk in the park. An unexpected find. I thought it was on the early side for wild black cherries (Prunus serotina). But there they were, dripping from the trees like black rain. Also unexpected, they were delicious. They can be quite tannic and bitter. These tasted darkly plummy.

Luckily, I had just bought myself a snack from Sea and Sea on West 116th, and still had its brown paper bag with me. Out went the napkins, in went the cherries. A lady named Ellen stopped and asked what I was doing. Convinced, she set about eating cherries, too, and pronounced them, Wonderful!

My cherries are now fermenting with sugar and honey. After the unexpected elderflower success I am on a fizzy cordial kick.

The northern part of Central Park was looking wonderful. Meadows of Rudbeckia taller than I am, indigenous lilies, sumac in fruit, ironweed and cup plant, and dangerous dogbane in waning bloom. More pictures tomorrow. In the meantime, look up. You might find wild black cherries.

I'll be leading a plant appreciation walk here on the 23rd; Dead Horse Bay coming up on the 16th.

1 comment:

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