Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Three Cape Ladies

This, incidentally, was my celebration tipple last week, on being shown a green light towards US citizenship and consequent legal cohabitation with the man I married last January...I snapped it up the minute I saw it on the shelves at Heights Chateau, the local wine shop. Quite yummy.

The question is, when we head NNW this coming January, what will be in our wine box? Will we even want to drink wine in the desert? [See our list of supplies here!]

I'm banking on cold white. Very cold white. I'm thinking unwooded Chenin blanc...The Landcruiser has a mini fridge. Big smiley face.

Something with which to toast the vultures as they circle...


  1. You will definitely want wine! With our 60 litre fridge/freezer you can take a vineyard, and the vultures will feast on marinaded meat......

  2. Lucky vultures!

    I think we should take Pascoe as a lure :-) or at least as a canape...

  3. Definitely a well-chilled Chenin. Heck! In the Cape area you're spoiled for choice.

  4. The vultures will be circling for a taste of the wine!


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