Sunday, August 24, 2008

Corn syrup and credit card debt

One night, two documentaries:

King Corn: takeaway - no more corn-fed beef for me, thank you. No matter how marbled. I'm not really a corn syrup consumer, since most of what I eat I make from scratch. But, if you eat, watch the movie. I want to visit Iowa. They do not even explore the fertilizer, pesticide aspect, which is huge. I think I'm done being blase about "conventionally" grown fruit and vegetables. After seeing with what and how they sprayed that corn...

If you're wondering what I had for dinner, it was bowl of fluffy mashed potatoes, whipped with organic butter and organic half and half and into which I snipped terrace-chives. Followed by peaches.

Maxed Out: takeaway? Must. Leave. Country. Must. Get. Off. Grid. Citibank, JP Morgan, Chase Manhattan....Very. Creepy.

As scary as these films about America are, my third takeaway is this: they were made by Americans. At least there's that.


  1. Hmm. Humbling topics on a humbling Saturday night. But at least, when the going gets tough and fertilizer is everywhere, I can always eat my credit card.

  2. Don't worry Marie. There is a revolution coming. The nation and the world are going to soon change their ways about food. Thanks to Michael Pollan. Can you feel it?

  3. Beence: um...

    Ms. Hound: Yes, actually, I can :-)


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