Sunday, August 17, 2008

Terence Hill's Beans

I decided to watch My Name is Nobody again. It's weird. Escapism was needed, I love cowboy movies, and the pleasing combination of Terence Hill's laser blue eyes, constant grin and dish(es) of beans seemed perfect. Centvingt had prepared me better for the beans this time. He said, Watch how Nobody eats his beans at the end, shoveling them, while Henry Fonda daintily spoons them in...

But first: I needed beans. I had a packet of red kidney beans from New Orleans that our Learned Leader had given everyone at work a while back, and while I toiled away at the office that day, a cup of the beans soaked. When I got home I sauteed scallions, a little garlic, and several slices of pancetta. The mission? - depth of flavour.

And added the beans (drained of their water), plus 2 Tbsp of tomato paste, half a good stock cube, water to cover, two whole cloves of garlic, squashed, for luck, some terrace thyme and parsley, and let it all simmer, occasionally adding water when it made that molten-lava bubbling sound that means it's beginning to stick to the bottom. They were tender after about an hour and a half, and then I sloshed in some red wine and let that cook off. I don't think Terence's (or Mario's) beans had red wine. But, hey. Oh! Stupid: I also added two small poblanos that had soaked in hot water, seeds and all. Very important ingredient - they are smoky, a little sweet, and obviously a little hot, too. And the movie was shot in New Mexico, or much of it was.

And there you have it. Terence Hill's Beans. Exceptionally good with fresh baguette loaded with butter. He didn't have that, either.

Apparently he prefers steak. And lives in Massachusetts.

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