Sunday, February 6, 2022

That happened, and will again

On a cold (cold) February night I discover a spring evening. Here is May 1st, 2021.

My winter chore of downloading and editing an intimidatingly large number of photographs from my camera's 2021 memory sticks is making progress. It was supposed to have been a daily task. But I allowed it to escape me, and then I became paralized by the enormity of it.

But Stick 1 is done! And now I set out to nibble-gnaw-decimate-in-increments the 1,231 images on Stick 2. This is the third image I found. (The first two I deleted: one - cutleaf toothwort beside a stream -  was slightly out of focus, viewed at maximum size, one - a morel atop a mushroom book - was boring).

But this memory of a supper made me happy. Little sausages. I can see they come from Balady's Halal Market, a supermarket in Bay Ridge that is a source of excellent olive oil (Lebanese), lamb, and spicy little sausages. The little dish of sliced strawberries would have been for the almost-tame mockingbirds, who sometimes came to eat their fruit while we both sat there. The violas and nemesias are still new. But the trees are leafed out. 

Spring will come. 

And with it, more photographs.


Book a Winter Walk, 12 February


  1. I'm seeing the first little signs of spring here. I can see the color of the crocus and the daffs are up!

  2. This was a lovely post, as usual. Having to get through some task is a hassle and I have several that have slipped away but this was a great reminder to get going! I doubt you need recipe ideas-but Nigella has a great sausage and lentils in red wine recipe on youtube that's quick and delicious.
    With spring in mind I just ordered some dahlia tubers. It can't be helped, goodbye to more of the grass!


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