Friday, February 25, 2022

Iced in Brooklyn

In the morning, when we woke, the world was wrapped in ice. I decided to go out, and see. One's childhood still flows in adult veins. And I was a child in a city whose winters brought occasional, glittering freezes, helped by a garden hose left to sprinkle in a crabapple tree, overnight (whose idea was that?). When we moved, we didn't see frost again. And even though I have lived in the US longer than I lived in South Africa, that sense of awe at snow, ice, and icicles (especially), is as fresh as it ever was.

I walked through nearby Prospect Park. It was so beautiful that I continued to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, but that will be its own post.

I think a Viburnum, possibly prunifolium (black haw). This shrub has slipped under my ID radar.

Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas, native to Crimea,  and southern Europe; it doesn't know borders and has no soldiers)

Rose hips (Rosa multiflora)

Spicebush (Lindera benzoin)

                    Sweetgum, liquidamber (Liquidamber styraciflua)                                                 

Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)

Hm, wasn't paying attention. Possibly a dogwood. And Traffic lightus.

A maple, maybe red. Acer rubrum.

Dogwood (Cornus...I think kousa)


Serviceberry. Sarvisberry. Shad. Shadblow. Saskataoon. Juneberry, beloved.
(Amelanchier spp.)

Pine, white (Pinus strobus). Prone to snapping, on days like this. 




  1. So gorgeous. It's amazing what the right amount of ice will do and you've really captured it. I love the pine!

  2. I still have some Henry Street icicles as a screen saver. And right now, icicles would be sooo welcome.

  3. Now I look forward to winter in Joburg, and may even attempt leaving the house in the dark so that I can catch similar glimpses.
    As for your identification of the Traffic lightus, I am sad to inform you that you got it wrong... it is definitely a traffic robotos ;-)

  4. what a wonder-world! Very happy to see if through your eyes


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