Tuesday, February 1, 2022

In the shadows

From the photo files, as I swim my way back to the present, through images.

There are as many shadows in my feelings about family as there are in this picture of the kitchen where I find meaning and occupation (is occupation, meaning?) when I return home. 

But objects become lodestars. Sweet peas, old South African cookbooks, green figs, ripe figs, nasturtium seeds.

The light also makes me think of Karel Schoeman's Another Country. I must read it again.



  1. I think I know how you feel.

    You write with sensitivity and honesty. I do hope one day you will write in longer form (memoir, collection of essays?). I have enjoyed your writing on food, gardening, travel. But I've also learned a lot from your more contemplative posts.

    1. Ann, I absolutely agree with you. Marie, please consider this...


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