Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Jamaica Bay in winter

On a cold day after snow I visited Jamaica Bay. I am leading a walk there next weekend and thought I should reconnoiter.

A celebratory honking in the sky drew my attention to a great flock of snow geese settling on the water. Just then three tourists begged me to take their picture with their phone. Stupidly, I complied, missing the birds with my telephoto as they took off again and honked low over the water towards Manhattan. Maybe they were late for a sale at Macy's.

A few geese stayed put.

Snow was melting, leaving clear pools on the paths.

The junipers (lone evergreen, above) are loaded with pollen, not quite ready to release it.

Remnants of roses - probably the very invasive Rosa multiflora.

And enticing bittersweet.

Edible signs. The sticks on the right...anyone? They will be delicious shoots in mid to late April.

A phalanx of phragmites. Phunny (sorry)! These thugs dominate waterways in the city and beyond. 

And if you sit on the bench at the end, you can watch a parade of jets take off over the water at JFK. And sometimes a train, too. And a pair of swans.

It's New York's wild west.

In summer, there are orchids.

Sign up in the link below if you'd like to join Saturday's walk and picnic - the snacks will feature tastes of the native shoreline plants we see - juniper, sumac, black cherry, and also weedy field garlic and mugwort. I think it may include a steaming borscht and a hot chocolate dipping sauce for mahlab madeleines (last weekend's Prospect Park picnic, above)...



  1. It all looks yummy! Am always delighted to remember that as bustling as NYC is, there are still parks and beaches and lovely, lonely spots like this hiding in plain sight.

    1. Many empty places, strangely (and happily).

  2. I don't think I was ever at Jamaica Bay when I lived in the city, although I of course saw it from JFK....lovely photos!


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