Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The gardens around us

In this week's article for Gardenista, I wrote about gardens in the hood. It is called Carroll Gardens, after all. Click that link for lots more pictures. A little local colour, literally. And I met some neighbors.

The garden above belongs to Polina Siterman, who grew up tending strawberries in the family's dacha garden in Russia.

Sadly, the pink flamingoes did not make the cut for the story. That is perhaps a whole other story. Every third or fourth garden in Carroll Gardens is stuffed with statuary. Flamingos, gnomes, Catholic saints, the virgin Mary, Jesus, baby sheep, mangers...


  1. No surprise that it's a well writen, interesting article with great photos. One of the things that i loved most about manhattan on our april visit a couple of years ago was all the tree pits that were planted and the small urban garden spaces i saw everywhere. it seems like the need for blooming plants is strong in enough of us that we somehow manage to keep a posey or two growing no matter how small the space we have with which to work. and, you keep finding creative ways to memorialize them.

    would love to have some of Polina's asters ... one of mine bloomed today. what?

    1. Thank you, webb. How weird about your asters. I'm guessing no one recognized Polina's, not in bloom.

  2. What I want to know is......WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST PINK FLAMINGOS?


    1. I LIKE PINK FLAMINGOES! We might get some of our own.

    2. Oh, if you do, we'll need pictures, lots of pictures!

  3. Summer in the city, Brooklyn style. Beautiful!



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