Friday, September 4, 2015

Picnic on a hill

My mom and I picnicked on Signal Hill yesterday, in bright spring sunlight. I threw together a quick lunch of tomato soup and cucumber sandwiches. 

Every few minutes, tandem paragilders carrying excited tourists took off with a  rustle of their wing, before floating slowly to land on the grass of the Sea Point Promenade.

We were visited by bold guinea fowl who clearly understood the local call of,  Kiep, kiep, kiep! and came running.

I took the daisy-and-mountain picture again. Hard to resist.

Everywhere in Cape Town, beside the airport runways, on verges, in open fields, the tiny daisies grow like carpets - Cotula turbinata. The bigger white daises are the rain daisies, Dimorphotheca pluvialis.

The yellow may or may not be canola - I must look at the leaves more carefully.

And, above, the bietou bushes - Chrysanthemoides monilifera - are in full bloom above the bright houses of the Bo Kaap.


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