Thursday, January 10, 2013

Foraging Walk, save the date - May 19

Can I eat that? And what is that, growing around it?

And what are those, and what will they make?

Ooh, pretty flower, and it smells like sweet lemons.  Is it edible? (NO!)

Registration has not opened yet on the Brooklyn Botanic Garden website, but if you would like to accompany me on a walk where we discover the wealth of edible plants under our noses, keep the afternoon of May 19th free. I know several people have asked about walks, so I'm giving you an early heads up, and will alert you when registration goes live...

In the morning I'll teach a class about wild edibles at the BBG and then we'll walk through the garden and over to Prospect Park. You can come to the morning class to absorb some background on the plants we are likely to discover, as well as the rest of the foraging year, or just sign up for the walk.

It's about the most beautiful time to be amongst the trees and leaves...

May is prime time for delicious weeds like burdock, above, as well as lambs quarters, pokeweed, elm fruit (samaras), field garlic, garlic mustard flowers and host of other surprises.


  1. So exciting! I'll be in Brooklyn over May 19th and would LOVE to sign up for your class- and meet you. Happy Happy

    1. That's great, Cheryl. I'll update the blog when registration for the class opens...


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