Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cat on a cold tar roof

Estorbo, on squirrel patrol. He doesn't stay out too long in these very cold temperatures, but both of us like the cold, at least for a while. His latest eccentric habit of drinking water from a glass on the stone table on the terrace has been derailed because the water is frozen.

I should tidy the terrace. It is all rasping leaves and grating brown stems. And, not too far off, I must grit my teeth and prune the fig. Really prune it. It's easy to tell other people to do it to their figs, but I have never pruned the fig's branches, only the roots. It is such a modestly-sized tree. But this year it will undergo both surgeries. Topped and tailed. The fig yield this year was lower than usual, and the pruning will encourage the new, sappy green growth on which the main fig crop grows.

February is around the corner. You know what that means: witch hazels. I would appreciate some more winter, before then. Some snow, for example.


  1. Fear not the fig pruning... I left my potted fig tree outside during last year's mild winter. Come spring, I waited and waited for it to sprout leaves. Finally figuring it might be dead--so it can't hurt--I pruned off the black tips of each branch, 12 inches or more. The tree then flourished and produced a good crop of fruit from new growth, good but late because I waited too long to revive it. I'm certainly not an expert but pruning benefited my mini-tree. This winter it's in the garage, and I plan to prune fairly hard for shape this spring.

    Stay warm, all of you!

  2. Brrrrr! It is cold here- but not as cold as NYC. The dog refuses to do a sit/stay when we are at streetcorners on our walks. She just does the stay.
    February means witch hazel and...snowdrop blooms!

  3. There is plenty of winter here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. Overnight temperature was - 25 degrees and today's high temperature in West Burke will be around - 6 degrees. Tomorrow will be a little warmer, around -2 degrees. It's a good time to stay inside and look at seed catalogs.

  4. I am at work staring at my orchids. What was delightful fun with one plant has become work with 14. However they love the window heater and the breeze it generates. I must remember to spray moisture as they are ferociously sucking up water. However they do encourage me to believe that somewhere it is warm. The cat stuck his nose out this morning and said no, not interested. Since he refuses to use the litter box, I am certain that he did eventually go out.

    1. Are they in bloom? Work + Orchids sounds rather delightful.

    2. I'm down to one blooming. At Christmas there were five blooming. I had one which bloomed the second year, something that had never happened before. I was so excited that a friend decided to get me a membership to an orchid a month. Thus where 12 came from. I bought another (actually from Ikea while waiting for the original to rebloom, I was so impatient.) My office seems to be built for orchids, but it is very small, and not enough room for 14. So now what was fun has become worrisome as I had to relocate them to my home, which is not built for orchids. Now there are lights, heating mats, timers, fans and all sorts of other things to get arranged. I plant to keep the original at work, however. Should I get the others to bloom, then I will place them around the house.

  5. My orchids are in bloom as well in the bedroom alcove. This year I moved them above the chaise. The african violets are on the other side, cheerful as well.

    Cold here too. But Tuesday it is supposed to be 71. I keep restraining myself from trimming all the dead growth on the plants. I know it protects them. One more month until it should be spring for us.

    1. Katkoot - African violets! I used to grow them, as a child. Happy memories. I must find one.

      I've meant to say - and probably did, somewhere - that I really like your writing and pictures, and blog, and would love to read more. Any plans to resume? :-)

  6. Plenty of snow here, Marie. Come, take!! (My black cat Purr is 'helping' to write this - maybe she's noticed the handsome Estorbo?)


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