Thursday, September 4, 2008

To dip, to plunge's croissant. Well, he's French, so it's got to be OK. Now I dip my croissants, too.

This was taken a year ago on the terrace, and Vincent and I had just met in person, not 24 hours before, at Newark Airport, where he had flown from across the continent to put to the chemistry test what we knew to be true very soon after Google had brought us together over a discussion about HDR photography. Making true the old saw that if you do what you love you will find...the human of your dreams? Um.

Thanks, Google. Thanks blogs, thanks cyberspace.

Thanks, chemistry.


  1. Two small atoms of Humantium gravitating around a larger atom of Catium?

    Now speaking of HDR, did you see the forecast? Not bad. Better clean up your memory card. ;-)

  2. No dipping of croissants for me, but I do love them with butter and apricot jam! x

  3. Now that put a huge smile on my face! I'm so happy for you two, for lovers everywhere. :)

  4. Is that a bowl of coffee, or a mug whose handle isn't visible? Never mind....its very French. I read about this in a novel once. Kids on holiday in France. I think the text was "It tasted nasty but at least it was French".

    But...that doesn't look nasty, I think its just kids having not acquired the taste yet for cafe au lait.

  5. Louise, I LOVE them with butter and jam, too. Which is why they are really only for celebration-breakfasts: or I would turn into butterball. But I must say, dipping them into good coffee is a sort of guilty pleasure. It feels bad. And good.

    BPG: thank you. We feel lucky.

    Lavinia: bowls, rather cheesy with the "Bonjour" and everything, too. I bought them years ago after being converted to morning coffee in bowls at Balthazar. When Vincent was little they drank hot chocolate from bowls for breakfast. Into which they dipped buttered baguette.

  6. It is noted that the larger atom is (quite rightly so) catium.


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