Saturday, September 20, 2008

September terrace

The latest flush of Abraham Darby roses with the Plectranthus "Mona Lavender" (clunky name!) coming into its own now that the cooler, post-summer weather is making itself felt.

Still ripening, some more figs in the afternoon light.

So I fell for them. Onto the bandwagon I climbed and bought pansies. Sigh. They are very sweet, though.

Below, the seed capsules of Lilium "Black Beauty" (Estorbo's favourite). Hm - note to Jane: I don't think they will let you into New Zealand with these! Maybe I will take them to the members of the Horticultural Society when I squeak to them in February...


  1. You live in Brooklyn, right?
    Amazing... I just thought of you and your blog this morning as my Abraham Darby's are thriving right now as well. The blooms have much longer staying power now that the weather has cooled somewhat than they did in the late Spring/early Summer.
    That is how I first came across your blog; searching for info on the fantastic fragrance of the AD rose.
    I have a few AD roses planted in my yard, one does better than the rest, and I found your blog when searching on it, looking for the possibility other colors with a similar or just as pleasing fragrance (white?).
    I lived in the NY Metropolitan area most of my life (almost 35 years), was a single person going into in NYC as often as I pleased & did some traveling in Europe. So your blog intrigues me quite a bit. Not to mention that your photographs are inspiring me to take better photos.
    Possibly because my life took a serious turn at 35 and stopped the 15 year career driven / Manhattan world I was used to and becoming a stay at home mom moving 6+ hours south of the city... I must admit I enjoy living vicariously through your posts although I do love and don't regret for a second the choices I made getting here and the life I lead.
    I have your blog listed on mine because I recommend to friends who admire my garden photos to look at yours and realize mine are not as good as they think!
    Take care, Colleen

  2. Thanks, Colleen! - it's always interesting to know how people made their way here...

    A white David Austin rose I would recommend for fragrance is Rosa "Fair Bianca". It even has a hint of liquorice...Beautiful form, too. I have used it on a number of terraces but not my own - so I doubt the hot weather is to its (her?) liking, either...I think we'll see another couple of flushes before frost, though.

  3. Wonder if I could find that pansy over here? It is just so pretty. x

  4. Your Abraham Darby looks pinker than those I know.Perhaps due to the season or light? No matter, it's a great performer!
    Last week, I heard a woman asking for "one of those Mona Lisas in purple pots." I'm guessing she meant that Plectranthus!

  5. Louise - and didn't look at their label, either, so can't tell you their name. Vince tells me that the word for pansies in French is, with the right accent which I can't do here, pensees, or thoughts. So guess where we got our name?!

    MIT - the light, yes, but when just open like this mine are a yellowy-pink in the centre. As they get older, they fade.


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