Thursday, November 22, 2007

More roses

These buds have been on the standard Iceberg for...oh, about 5 weeks. I was worried they would bloom while I was in Vancouver, at the end of October! Obviously kept back by the cold air and shorter days, it's taken them forever to open. In summer the turnaround time from snipping a dead flower to the new bud opening is about 2-3 weeks.

This is the big What If. Two issues: The New Dawn's terra cotta pot has succumbed to two years of freeze and thaw, and is shattering, so the rose needs to be repotted, and now is a good time, as it enters its dormancy. The pot with soil must weigh about 150lbs. And then there's them thorns. I think I am going to abuse Vince when he visits in December, and get him to help me lift...

Issue #2 is the potential terrace-clearing before leaks are fixed. I don't see caring workmen carefully wrapping rose canes and making sure they're not broken or cut. So.

Lotus position and Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


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