Saturday, August 18, 2007

Setting the Record Straight

My mom says Home in Africa (previous posts) "really does look like Africa." Me, I don't think that is bad thing 'cos, well, it IS Africa!!! But. The point is, usually the house and garden look very beautiful. So here follows a short tribute to La Mama and proof that this corner of Africa has beautiful gardens as well as major earthworks...and earthworms. But I digress. OK - above - I think this was the night the Louws came over from next door and we sat chairs in the driveway and drank wine together and laughed immoderately. Then Peter Klatzow came by and delivered some crayfish he'd just caught. And was a little taken aback and a small bit jealous that we were all in the driveway drinking wine instead of behind locked doors and barbed wire under a state of siege. My parents' home is the only one of the cul de sac that is open like this, and it just seemed to me that we should use our stoep/porch for what it was intended. Sitting and looking at things and talking to the neighbours. This was last January.

This hedge no longer exists, but it was lovely. Helichrysum. An everlasting-like flower with the pungent scent of, to me, honey and a little mustard, on the other side of the house, at the bottom of the garden.

Slightly washed out picture of the patio, with loooots of roses, the greenbelt's poplars beyond, and the eastern face of Table Mountain.

View of the mountain with Icebergs in a pot. They bloom all season. It's ironic that I have them on my terrace, too, in this vastly different climate, on a northern and western continent.

Here is Andre Khamel (named after a French attorney on an opposing team in one of my father's cases), sitting watching the birdfeeder. Just out of academic interest.

And a harvest: potatoes! They were grown in pots, as an experiment, and were delicious.


  1. Hmmm. We waited stubbornly, yet hopefully, but were we given any crayfish? No. First beguiled by drink, then sent home, sans seafood. Butler's Pizzas AGAIN for the Louws!

  2. I really like that Table Mountain, it looks totally flyable!

    And the cat named after an opposing lawyer, priceless!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Jay...OK. It's a date. Crayfish in the driveway next time! I think we should put trestle tables out there and have a streetparty/kreefbraai. But no Herr Goebbels. Quelle shock for the neighbourhood...

    Shame, you poor hungry neighbours. BTW the story of the ostrich steaks, the parsnip potato-thing...this from a woman who calls herself a non-cook??

    Vince! it IS flyable. Actually Lion's Head is more flyable, or so I, in my layperson's way, understand. Paragliders are a fixture in the sky, there. It's beautiful to see. Then there's Porterville (couple of hours away), where a lot of people fly.


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