Monday, August 13, 2007

E-mail From Marijke to Mama

Logistics for our little trip: they're such nice logistics. Diesel! Candles! Firewood (we'll bring that. We have to make BIG fires)! Freezing weather!

"The house isn't serviced so please be prepared for a rustic, slightly dusty, cobwebby experience. There are comfy beds with pillows and fitted sheets which get washed erratically. So bring your own bedding + a pillow case.
Then we need to bring drinks and food. There is a gas stove and oven, bodum and all the basic cooking gear so no real constraints there.
And we need diesel, candles, paraffin, firewood and other housy stuff.

I was wondering whether you include me in your food plans, and I'll bring the house & landrover related things?

It will be freezing cold on the open landrover when we go for 'landscape drives' (that's what I call them because sometimes we see no game at all) - so bring gloves, hats, warm gear, poncho, whiskey / whatever it takes to keep warm. Unfortunately we're not free to go in another / your closed vehicle (reserve rules) so we have to do it Thelma & louise style.

A torch is useful (no electricity). Cell phone is not (no range), but there is a landline [deleted]. Maybe we should bring a game or something, like scrabble. Yes - I'll bring scrabble. I believe Andrea can't make it and I haven't invited anyone else (yet) and probably won't get it together before the 5th, so it's just us.

What else? Can't think of anything but will let you know if something crops up.
Me too, I can't wait for Marie to arrive and some good long chats in front of a braai / fire. "


  1. My god, that sounds like fun... Hmm, is a camera part of the travel pack?

  2. jislaaik Marie - I better be careful how / what I write in future...never know where it might land up!

    I now have a new google feature - a sort of side bar on my computer which keeps track of your and Chris blog sites, the news, weather and a notepad which is damn useful. I see I still have to arrange dog food, pack bonemeal (for the trees) and buy firewood and wine for potjiekos. My bakkie is groaning under the weight of a full full load of mulch. It's seriously creaky - hope the springs / suspension holds out from CT - Perdekoppies, and back to CT. We're off tomorrow morning to plant trees and bossies in the Ceres Karoo.... 4 bakkies, compost, mulch, 21 trees, 90 riete & bossies, camping kit, a potjie, 8 guys, and one gal....

  3. Sorry I in trouble?

    Good luck with your install. Jeepers. It sounds like an epic adventure!

    Vince - my camera has been ordered...

  4. JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How much would a call cost? I mean, I could be there with you for a few minutes at least, right? At least in voice?

    Additionally...congrats on Australia, Marie. You're winning this little game. So far...

  5. Callan rang us from Malgas last night. The Longbilled larks are calling, the Blue cranes are dancing, the fields are green and tender.

  6. Jay, that's a poem!

    the longbilled larks
    are calling

    the bluecranes
    are dancing

    the fields
    are green and tender

    It's beautiful. It is so...Overberg? I want to come home...Oh! I am!

  7. Christopher - just get on a plane (I know, I know). But you'll get there one day. I don't know how much a call would be - about $10? for us to gggle sufficently of course (that's a lot of gigglers you know: me, my mom and Marijke).

    Australia! Hm. I know one Autralian. I wonder if he found me. It's probably a bored sheep.

    Sorry Australia! I love you. No really. It's one continent I haven't visited yet, but I'm dying to. You can make a joke about Fat Americans.


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