Monday, August 6, 2007


Marijke's comments on the blog remind me that September is SOON and that I'll be in South Africa in three weeks for a roadtrip in the 4 x 4 ("Mogashagasha" - ie, she who goes over everything) with my mom. AAAAAAAH, I have work to do before then! But above is Marijke's mom's house on Patatsfontein (which is surrounded by the Sanbona reserve - and a nice strong, fence: here kitty-kitty, n-i-i-i-ce kitty) in the Little Karoo about three hours out of Cape Town, and below is the view (pretend you're an ant). I can't wait. Most especially for the sky, the stars, the emptiness, the air.


  1. All I can say is... Wow. Pure, uncut, undiluted, 100% jealousy on my part. Reds, dry lands, being on the road, a half a world away... And they even paraglide, down there. ;-)

    Well, I hope you'll bring a camera along...

  2. Yep. I'm jealous of myself! This is the paradox. Live in the middle of the biggest city you can find, or live in the midle of nowhere. Hm. I am buying a camera for the occasion (I've beaten my poor Canon up. You're right: we're spoiled). All I need is Wi-Fi. I wonder if lions use laptops?

    Paragliding. Yes...I used to have picnics on a beach called Clifton and watch the guys (it was mostly guys) land softly on the sand after hanging forver in the sky above Lion's Head in the sepia light. But I've never done it myself.


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