Saturday, July 7, 2007

Consider the Little Things

These are all double-duty: purple basil is for eating, naturally, but it's pretty, too. I should add that in a fit of optimism (one must nail the feeling for the two seconds that it lasts), I ripped out the purple clematis that had taken over the pot. Again, on the subject of roots. It flowers once a year, for which I wait with huge excitement, and for the rest of the year it just sits there. That would be OK, except that its ROOTS take over and squeeze everyone out, like an incredibly self-involved friend's might. Hence my brilliance at bridge burning. Now my edges are bleeding into myspace, where I've ventured recently. It's a whooole other world. I'm spreading myself too thinly. If I can't handle anything but tight friendships, what am I do soliciting Aquaintae???

Bronze fennel, also very pretty and frothy, and good in mushrooms a la Grecque.

This is Estorbito's lawn under a chair, all self seeded from a couple of grassheads last year.

Nemesias and the popular little euphorbia Diamond Frost.

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