Friday, May 20, 2016

Chez Possum?

A swearing squirrel drew me to the screen door. And there I saw, walking across the garden in May daylight, the possum. So I fetched my camera. The sheep says, What the f-f-f-f-f-f-u-u-u-u-u-...?

I didn't got too close, just in case it was sick, and after it got over the frozen-possum attitude, it high-tailed it (low tailed it?) up the fence.

And back down, after thinking about it for a bit. It drooled a little on the way down, which worried me, but I have looked it up, and that is what possums do when stressed. Opossums are very resistant to rabies, apparently.

Then it sprinted across Carlos' yard to its hole in the shed.

Who needs to go camping in Africa?


  1. It will love the vegetables in your garden!

  2. Chez Possum. Why not;it beats mosquitoes.

  3. Chez Possum is great cause he's a cute little bugger. Also, it's a good sign having it in your yard; they're known to control bug and mosquito larva populations! Welcome him with open arms.

  4. That possum has great taste! You've got to admire a possum who survives, and survives well, in the big city.

  5. Wow, wild Brooklyn! This from someone who has been "fighting" squirrels in my Cape Cod Cottage attic. Maddening, damaging, expensive…Sad not to join your Fort Tryon Park walk, my hood… GH

  6. I am sort of ok with the Bears around my house but for some reason possums creep me out! I think it's the tail, they are like giant subway rats......eek!

  7. We had them when I lived in Philadelphia. Now we're right outside philly and we have more squirrels than I know what to do with, lots of rabbits and the occasional fox which always freaks me out.

  8. Mama raccoons with their babies coming soon!

  9. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks they are cute!

  10. Possums also eat ticks, so there's that.


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